Tandy Z-PDA

Processor Architecture
Custom chip designed by Casio Computer Co., Ltd., using an
Intel-compatible CPU with integral clock generator, memory, bus,
interrupt, timer, key, serial and infrared control units, power
management unit, LCD controller.
Operating System
The GEOS system software from Geoworks is object-oriented,
multithreaded and multitasking, with an easy-to-use graphical user
interface. The software provides:
File manager
- Printer drivers
- Communication drivers
- System-level password security
- Launcher menu for application setup
- Pop-up, on-screen keyboards: QWERTY, A-Z, international
characters, symbols, math, handwriting recognition box
- System RAM - 1MB
- Operating system configured to use 640KB for system heap and
384KB for RAM disk space
System ROM
4MB containing the operating system, applications, and
Palm Computing
- PalmPrint - handwriting recognition
Palm Organizer with PowerInk, BackspaceInk, and expanded fields
- PalmSchedule date book with alarms and to-do list
- PalmAddress address book with attached sketch pages
- PalmNotes notebook with table of contents
- 50,000-definition dictionary, 100,000-word spell checker,
and 660,000-synonym thesaurus
- Calculator
- Home and world time clock
- Forms calculator
- Translation dictionary for 26 languages (up to 1,000
words per language)
- On-line help
- U.S. holidays, U.S. state/city information, international
country/city info, area codes
- Travel data, birthstones and flowers, signs of the
Zodiac, U.S. founding documents
Games: Solitaire, Pyramid Solitaire, UKI
Pocket Quicken personal finance application with checkbook
register, credit card, cash, and expense account tracking
America Online
America Online E-mail and gateway to Internet with offline
composition; ASCII text FAX and U.S. Mail gateway; wire services
with news search; EAASY SABRE Travel Service; stock quotes; program
I/O Ports
- Built-in infrared transceiver for wireless data transfer
operating at up to 9600 bps
- One RS-232 compatible serial port with subminiature 10-pin
"D" connector
- One 2.5mm subminiature headphone jack
- One PCMCIA Type 2 slot, limited to 50mA maximum current
LCD Display
- 80mm wide x 100mm high monochrome LCD (0.3mm dot pitch)
- 320 x 256 screen resolution
Sound capability
- Built-in speaker
- Three square wave ton generators
- White or metal noise generator
- Programmable level control for each channel
- Digital to analog converter (DAC)
Controls, Switches, Indicators/Locks
- Power on/off
- Volume
- Contrast
- Cross-shaped cursor control and two control buttons
- PCMCIA card lock
Mass Storage (Optional)
- PCMCIA SunDisk Flash ROM
Power Supply
- Three "AA" alkaline batteries (included)
- RAM memory backup supplied by two CR2032 lithium batteries
- AC adapter (optional)
- Size: 1" x 4.2" x 6.8" (H x W x D)
- Weight: 15.3 ounces (with batteries)
- Cat. No. 25-3101: Serial cable for modem or data
- Cat. No. 25-3102: I/R interface for Z-PDA/PC
- Cat. No. 25-3103: Replacement stylus
- Cat. No. 25-3104: Deluxe stylus
- Cat. No. 16-2018: AC adapter
- Cat. No. 25-3107: PCMCIA memory card
- Cat. No. 25-3108: Leather carry case
GEOS is a registerd trademark of Geoworks
Pocket Quicken is a trademark of Intuit
Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation
PalmPrint, PowerInk, and BackspaceInk are trademarks of Palm
EAASY SABRE is a service mark of SABRE Travel Information
America Online is a registered trademark of America Online
Source: Zoomer Home